Past Pages for Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015

130 Years Ago

Promenade concert. The ladies of St. Peter’s Church will give a promenade concert at Moore & Parker’s Hall. Entertainment will consist of vocal and instrumental music. For followers of the goddess Terpsichore, an opportunity will be afforded to trip the light fantastic. We can promise those who attend may be sure of what our devil designates as “a bully time.”

120 Years Ago

Electric light company. Alvaro Evans is ready to give Reno electric light. He has recorded a water right that will turn the river and run it for a mile and a quarter. The water will give power to run a great wheel large enough to move immense machinery. A machine large enough for 20 lights will cost $3,000 ...

110 Years Ago

Aurora. Extensive work is being done at Aurora, and the old camp will come to the front. Rich ore bodies are known to exist there. Messrs. Cain, Woodbury and Gorham are proposing to run a tunnel 1,000 feet to drain water ... which has been a drawback.

70 Years Ago

Coach George McElroy’s high school basketball team faces opposition when they play the Railroaders. Bob Shriver played a better game and the old pep and fire have returned. Archie Pozzi will be ready for a call having missed the game against Stewart ...

50 Years Ago

Advertisement. “Carson Theatre — ‘Roustabout’ with Elvis Presley and Barbara Stanwyck. Also playing ‘Of Human Bondage’ with Kim Novak and Laurence Harvey.”

15 Years Ago

Y2K. Dell Computer Corp. surpassed rival Compaq Computer Corp. in annual sales as personal sales surged 22 percent worldwide last year despite concerns over Y2K computer problems.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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