Past Pages for Sunday, May 1, 2016

150 Years Ago

Sardine Club. The piscatorial Sardinians went to the dams on the Carson River and took in some 52 splendid trout. They would have had excellent sport among the cottontails too, but one of the dogs was disabled by a corn on his foot, another had gout and the third dog was obliged to nurse the other two.

130 Years Ago

Blockade. The steam laundry still has a blockade of dirty clothes, and it is as compact as a wood jam on the Carson River. Clothes come from Carson, Reno, Dayton, Silver City and Hawthorne. The trouble with the new washing is the marking of the clothes. There are thousands of pieces, and it is a long, tedious job. The majority of the people are delighted with the laundry, but of course here and there are chronic growlers who miss the opium smell which always clings to Chinese washed clothes.

110 Years Ago

Kisses. In New York beautiful actresses have opened a kissing booth and are selling kisses for 50 cents for the relief fund of San Francisco (1906 earthquake). There are many young ladies in Carson who might open a kissing booth and do a flourishing business. Dr. Lee, George Meyers and Jim Sweeney did some excellent work in that line and might select a committee of young ladies, and some married ones, who would put their shoulders to the wheel and boost the fund. Ladies wishing to join this booth can leave their names — and samples of their work ­— at this office.

70 Years Ago

Carnival. The annual PTA carnival will be held in the high school gymnasium. There will be a fishpond for the children, mystery table, hot dog stand and ice cream and bingo for adults. Mrs. Dudley Kline will be in charge of the bingo game; Mrs. Margaret Meyers in charge of the hot dog stand and ice cream; Mrs. George Lind, the fishpond and Mrs. Clayton Williams, the mystery table.

50 Years Ago

The Carson and Barnes circus, elephants and cotton candy have come to Carson and will be performing on the lot next to Sewell’s Market. The three-ring circus is sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

20 Years Ago

Booming. According to Dennis Gingrich, businessman, he’s now in the middle of the concrete jungle. Main Street Autos is nestled between DJ’s RV Center and Wendy’s restaurant. South Carson Street has the most business growth that include Walmart, Albertson’s Supermarket, Ben Franklin Crafts and Applebee’s.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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