Local charity donates gifts to schoolchildren in Carson City

Denise DiMarzo, far left, gathers donated gifts to load in Polymer Plastics Company warehouse at 550 Mallory Way, along with warehouse CEO Larry Stock and his employees.

Denise DiMarzo, far left, gathers donated gifts to load in Polymer Plastics Company warehouse at 550 Mallory Way, along with warehouse CEO Larry Stock and his employees.

Denise DiMarzo talks to children on a daily basis; she’s been working with Carson City School District for more than 20 years.

When the holidays come around, she enjoys talking about Santa with elementary school students.

However, these conversations made her realized some of them don’t have the privilege to celebrate Christmas.

“Some would tell me Santa isn’t coming to the house this year,” DiMarzo said. “That’s what inspired me to start a program.”

Project Angel Wings debuted eight years ago, donating meals and gifts to students and families in need. According to DiMarzo, at least 75 local organizations help her gather the items through the program’s drive. This year, she’s delivering to 114 families.

What makes her program different from other holiday charity drives is she has direct contact with those in need. From there, organizations pick an angel ornament with a child’s name and Christmas wish.

Children also are required to mail “Thank You” letters after they receive the bundle.

DiMarzo has also provided shelter at a motel for a family, as they were living in their car.

“The community likes to hear about the kids,” she said. “That’s why I ask them to write thank you notes. It builds a direct relationship.”

Because DiMarzo would receive a great amount of gifts, she couldn’t fit all of them in her household. This year, Polymer Plastics Company at 550 Mallory Way contributed to her program by granting her space in the warehouse.

On Thursday, DiMarzo’s team delivered a collection of ham, pies and gifts to families with the help of Larry Stock, CEO of Polymer Plastics, who dressed up as Santa to help load gifts.

Instead of using a sleigh to deliver the gifts, the team loaded up a limousine to surprise children thanks to Stock’s friend Bobby Freeman, a country singer and songwriter.

Businesses and organizations interested helping DiMarzo’s project can contact her at 775-287-3200.


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