Pioneer High School starts district’s first yoga class

Pioneer High School started the district’s first yoga class for PE and elective credit five years ago and the class has gained popularity throughout the years.

The school’s yoga class encourages goal setting and planning and students gain various benefits that help academic achievement and a healthy wellbeing.

The environment created in the yoga studio on campus fosters understanding and a growth mind set. My students show they’re in a growth mind-set through their actions and I learn something new from my students each day.

Students expressed their view of the benefits from yoga.

“It makes us have a connection with the school,” said Gabby, a PHS freshman.

The class provides students with the skills to be mindful. These skills support students to monitor their own emotions, as well as gain self-control. These strategies can be used for peaceful conflict resolution, improved focus, and stress reduction. Students gain communication skills to talk through their problems and self-reflect.

Students have shared they use the techniques to help with sleep regulation at home, anxiety before testing, and conflict resolution.

“Yoga helps with my anxiety,” said Korah M., a PHS yoga student. “It has taught me new ways to calm myself and be centered. It makes me feel good about myself.”

These skills are being used in the academic settings and provides students with tools to be successful. Being mindful and present allows students to focus on the content being presented. S

elf monitoring skills help assist students get back on track and work toward feeling success.

“I feel yoga gives me a sense of self,” said Rex K., a senior at PHS.

If you’re interested in learning about being present or mindful I recommend the book Building Emotional Intelligence; Techniques to Cultivate Inner Strength in Children by Linda Lintier and Daniel Goleman.

Tanya Watts is a yoga instructor and teacher at PHS.


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