Past Pages for Thursday, Dec. 29, 2016

150 years ago

The Grand Indian Demonstration, which has been arranged by Shimerhorn, will, as he informs us, positively take place as per previous announcement, in the Plaza on Monday evening. We have been provided by Shimerhorn with a quantity of tickets to the performance, and if the mice don’t eat them up before it takes place, we shall be amply provided for home consumption and the use of our friends. The said tickets are in the form of pine nuts.

130 years ago

The victims of the rascally stock brokers in Gold Hill are trying to get even by writing poetry at the robbers.

100 years ago

Warren Engine Company’s annual ball on New Year’s night will without a doubt be one of the most enjoyable affairs that lovers of dancing have attended for some time.

70 years ago

Paul Maynard Smaug and Ladell McKay, condemned to die in the gas chamber of the Nevada state prison, have been moved to the cell block to the death house in the yard of the penitentiary.

50 years ago

Anything but “peace on earth, good will to men” prevailed over the Christmas weekend as far as the Carson City Police Department and Highway Patrol were concerned. There were cases of assault and battery, assault with a deadly weapon, traffic accidents and drunk arrests.

30 years ago

The U.S. Economic recovery, already the third longest in the postwar period, should last through 1987, although it may be a bit totters at the beginning of the year, many economists believe.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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