Tim Milligan, general manager of Capital Ford presents a $2,500 check on Tuesday to Carson City firefighter Dustin Peterson and Carson City Sheriff's Sgt. Daniel Gonzales to benefit the Holiday with a Hero program.
The Carson City Sheriff’s Office and Fire Department are hosting the second Holiday Crawl to benefit the Holiday with a Hero event.
The crawl takes place Saturday, Dec. 3.
“We have two missions with this event,” said organizer Carson City Bailiff Meliah Gonzales. “One, we want to raise as much money for Holiday with a Hero since this is our big fundraiser for it, but we also want to bring business downtown to support our local shops who have been a big support for us. We collaborate together and meet both of our needs.”
Holiday with a Hero takes Carson City students in the McKinney-Vento Students in Transition program on a Christmas shopping trip with local law enforcement and public safety officials. Each child receives a $100 gift card to Walmart where they will shop for Christmas presents with a public safety partner. The McKinney-Vento Students in Transition program serves children who live in motels, cars, campgrounds, grandparents or double up with other families.
Volunteers will wrap the presents for the children so they have something to open on Christmas.
The organizers expect to have about 250 students at Holiday with a Hero this year happening on Dec. 21, estimating nearly $25,000. While the organizers do receive monetary donations from the community, the Holiday Crawl is the largest fundraiser.
“It is tons of fun for everyone and for every five tickets we sell, we get to help one child,” said organizer Carson City Sgt. Daniel Gonzales.
Meliah said the children often take care of the basics first during the shopping spree.
“They buy necessities, things you and I take for granted,” she said. “They buy hygiene products, food and clothing.”
With what they have left, she said, they will buy toys for themselves and their siblings.
“Without this program, their needs wouldn’t be met. Without this program, they wouldn’t have gifts,” Gonzales said. “For a lot of these children, this is the only Christmas they are going to get.”
Another benefit for the children, she said, is to show them potential career paths with volunteers and also help heal relationships after they’ve seen their parents or family get in trouble with the law.
“For some of the children, they are afraid of us,” Meliah said. “This is an opportunity to fix that relationship.”
With the crawl ticket, participants receive a 14 ounce stein, one free drink, plus food and drink specials at dozens of restaurants, bars and shops around downtown.
“We’ve had a long tradition of holding or participating in events downtown so when a good one comes up we love to jump in so doing the Holiday Crawl just made sense,” said Steve Browne, owner of The Carson City Cigar Company. “We are really hoping now that construction is finished, downtown will be a place to come to instead of just drive through.”
While the event is called a crawl, the organizers want participants to know it isn’t just about drinking, there’s fun for everyone.
“There is something downtown for everyone,” Meliah said. “People hear crawl and some think that is fantastic, but not everyone likes it. People that are into that, there is plenty of crawling, but there are also going to be dinner specials and live music for people to come out and have a good time too.”
“There is so much to do that isn’t centered around just drinking. Whether you want to have dinner and a soda or pizza and a beer, there is something for everyone.”
In order to compensate for those who want to enjoy the dinner discounts, check in for the crawl will start at 4 p.m. this year so people can start eating before they drink if they want. The drink discounts and bands will start playing at 5 p.m. This year, the crawl will have two bands playing; Stereo Galaxy at Telegraph Square and Whiskey Heroes at McFadden Plaza as well as live DJs in some venues.
Daniel Gonzales said the community has really come together to help support them with Holiday with a Hero. Several organizations and businesses have bought tickets, while others have given monetary donations to the cause.
On Tuesday, Capital Ford donated $2,500 to Holiday with a Hero to support the public safety officers.
“Our organization does so much with the kids in this community so we appreciate what Carson City Sheriff’s Office and Fire Department are doing,” said Tim Milligan, general manager of Capital Ford. “They didn’t ask us for much donation but we were able to find some extra money and give them more than they wanted.”
For the crawl, the organizers encourage participants to dress up in their best holiday gear to show off their spirit.
“It is a great way to get in the festive mood,” Daniel Gonzales said.
Tickets are $20 before the event and $25 at the door. Check-in starts at 4 p.m. Dec. 3 in front of Adams Hub at 111 Proctor Stt. and the crawl goes from 5 to 10 p.m. To purchase tickets visit squareup.com/market/carson-city-visitors-bureau or in person at the Visitor’s Bureau at 716 N. Carson St.
The organizers are also offering a discount for anyone who wants to buy bulk tickets, they can get 12 tickets for $200. To do so, email dgonzales@carson.org.
If anyone wants to donate to Holiday with a Hero but doesn’t want to attend the event, they can drop off monetary donations to the Stewart Street Fire Station 51, drop off or mail to the Sheriff’s Office at 911 Musser Street or visit Bank of the West and ask for the Holiday with a Hero account. All donations are tax deductible.