SILVER DOLLARS AND WOODEN NICKELS: Nevada doesn’t look a day over 151

The Nevada Appeal’s Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels feature recognizes achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out other acts that missed the mark.

SILVER DOLLAR: To the state of Nevada for turning 152. You don’t look a day over 151. And to all those who organized and participated in all the Nevada Day activities that make this state and Carson City so special. Something we just found out about Nevada, Elko was a popular place for mail order brides in the 1850s. We know this has nothing to do with Nevada’s 152nd birtday, we just thought it was pretty cool.

SILVER DOLLAR: To Preska Watson, who’s retiring as a Nevada Appeal carrier after 20 years. Watson evidently isn’t superstitious because her last day on the job is Monday, Halloween.

SILVER DOLLAR: To all the volunteers and employees of the Nevada State Museum, who provide another reason why this is such a special place. The museum celebrated its 75th birthday on Friday and doesn’t look a day over 74.

SILVER DOLLAR: To plumber Don Milner and electrician Joe Miller of Nevada’s Buildings and Grounds division for their work in getting the historic granite water fountain in front of the Attorney General’s building flowing again in time for Nevada Day.

SILVER DOLLAR: To the city for enclosing Sonoma Park completely, constructing a fence in front of the last remaining open yards. Sonoma Park is a popular place for dog owners and dogs and now dog owners can allow their dogs to run freely in the park without the fear of them running away through the previously open yards.


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