Letters to the editor for Sunday, April 16, 2017

Take Time

Take time to think —

It’s the magic of invention

Take time to play —

It’s the secret of eternal youth

Take time to read —

It’s the fountain of wisdom

Take time to love and be loved —

It’s a God given privilege

Take time to be friendly —

It’s the road to happiness

Take time to give —

It’s too short a day to be selfish

Take time to dance —

It’s the heartbeat of life

Take time to sing —

It’s the chorus celestial

Take time to do charity —

It’s the key to Heaven

We all leave footprints in the sand of time — with a great soul or a heel, and time wounds all heels! We should value the things we do today because we’re giving a day of our lives for them; we should in every way possible make today a yesterday we’ll want to remember tomorrow, for the clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to know just where the hands will stop.

To lose one’s wealth is sad indeed. To lose one’s health is more, to lose one’s soul is such a loss that no man can restore.

This present only is our own — live, love, toil with a will; place no faith in tomorrow, for the clock may then be still! That you’re all now to comprehend the meaning of this rhyme, just go out and do all the good you can, while for you there is yet time.

Lastly, let us take this special time to help the true meaning of Easter Sunday rise gloriously in our hearts!

Thane Cornell

Carson City

Follow the rubles

Devin Nunes has just solidified his place in congressional history as the most famous stool pigeon, rat fink or snitch to ever hold office.

His actions should be enough to get his treacherous butt replaced as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He spit on House rules and ethics, and his toady allegiance to Trump is sickening.

That being said, I did some research. It seems Nunes has almost his entire net worth (not much, $50,000) invested in Alpha Omega Winery in the Napa Valley. That winery has no relationship with any country in the European Union (except Switzerland) and none at all with any NATO countries. Ah, but it does have a contract with the Luding Trading Company, Russia’s largest distributor of alcoholic beverages. And I’ll bet anyone a tasty Napa Cab that connecting the dots from Nunes to the winery to Luding Trading Company to Putin wouldn’t be difficult.

And speaking of the Trump/Russia connection, it seems Appeal columnist Fred LaSor has difficulty with that concept. Rest assured, Fred. I have it on good authority that Milton Bradley is coming out with a new board game called “Trump-Putin, Connecting the Dots.” For ages 8 and up. Simple yet educational.

As I was privy to some of the fake news leaks, there will be “flight patterns of Trump key players to and from Russia, loans and payments by Trump key players to the Russian oligarchy, international banks, key players, and money laundering by the Russian mob, and a trail of dead Russian critics by bullet or poison.” And more. Look for it soon.

Rick Van Alfen

Carson City

Opportunity for Carson to up its aesthetic appeal

Writing this letter to the Appeal reminds me of the pleasant “appeal” of the downtown Carson Street and sidewalk improvements. When the trees, bushes and flowering plants come out in full bloom, I predict even more beauty. Good going, planners and deciders!

Now it’s time to extend more color at both ends of Carson Street. There used to be beautiful flowering trees all the way up to the I-580 overpass to the north. Why were they removed? Why not beautify S. Carson Street all the way to 580 on the south also? Not only is this a challenge and opportunity for the Board of Supervisors but for local on-street businesses as well.

The Carson Street surface is the smoothest in town and well-bordered with foliage in lovely plants. What an improvement, but speaking of beauty and businesses, Hanifin’s antique store should remove its stuff from the sidewalk and the Ormsby House should finish its property with flowers instead of blown-in paper and trash.

Let’s make Carson City even more attractive ­everywhere.

Wendell Newman

Carson City

Open letter to Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto

Dear Sen. Cortez Masto,

When you ran for office I had differences of opinion with you on many issues. Despite that, I believed you to be a woman of character, integrity, and capable of reason. Your inability to rise above the antics of the corrupt Democrat machine have shown my trust in your integrity has been misplaced. Rather than standing up to Schumer, you showed yourself to be a spineless pawn who fits in with the Warren, Feinstein, Murray crowd who were bent on politicizing the Supreme Court.

We are all immigrants. We should protect our heritage by deporting the violent illegal immigrants who have no right to put us in harm’s way. I expect you to protect me and my family and our rights, not those who have no rights as criminals.

I have lost many friends and relatives who have defended our liberty. I cannot put into words the disdain I have for you for siding with the Obama/Clinton cronies who continue to put us at risk.

You challenged the president on taking action against the enemies of human decency. I find it ludicrous you would advocate members of Congress who have shown themselves to be incapable of criticizing Obama’s foreign policy vacuum to now debate what actions should be taken by President Trump. Perhaps it would be appropriate for Congress to declare war on the perpetrators of terrorism, contrary to Obama’s egregious denial that there is a global radical Islamic terrorist movement. Look back on how a respectable Democrat, FDR, handled attacks on America. How JFK stood up to Khrushchev.

If you do not do a better job of representing the citizens, I will do all I can to see that you do not return to office.

Eldon DeVere Henderson

East Valley

Don’t let country fall by way of Rome

Nuclear option, my left one! When the enemy won’t talk nor negotiate, just hide behind crooked laws they rig in “KKKongress” to crush and loot us, it’s Guerilla-ON!

We can’t just lie down and watch our country fall like Rome in a downward spiral of corruption and greed. I sure as hell can’t.

Robin Christy

Carson City


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