Low-income seniors in Carson City will have greater access to fruit, vegetables and other food produced locally thanks to a program by the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Inc.
Free farmers market coupons are available to low-income seniors through RSVP’s Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program.
“The SFMNP is a cooperative effort provided by RSVP, the USDA, the Nevada Department of Agriculture, and the state of Nevada Division for Aging and Disability Services,” said Susan Haas, executive director and chief executive officer of RSVP. “RSVP distributes these coupons to ensure that low-income seniors, who may not be able to afford fresh produce, have the opportunity to enjoy the bounty of the farmers markets. Our goal is to increase consumption of healthy locally grown fruits, vegetables, fresh unprocessed herbs, and honey, which all supplement the nutritional needs of seniors.”
The coupon booklets will be distributed from 9 a.m. to noon, or until the coupons are gone, on June 22 at the Bob Boldrick Theater’s lobby inside the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.
Each senior is eligible to receive one coupon booklet per season if they’re 60 or older and their income doesn’t exceed $21,775 annually ($1,815 per month) for a household of one. For a household of two, income must not exceed $29,471 annually ($2,456 per month).
Each coupon booklet contains 15 coupons worth $2 each for a total of $30 that can be used at the Carson City’s 3rd and Curry St. Farmers Market and other participating Nevada farmers markets.
The Carson City market runs from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturdays through Sept. 30.
Once the booklets are claimed, they can’t be replaced if lost or damaged.
Recipients will need to present Nevada identification or driver’s license showing Carson City residency and must sign the self-certification form at the distribution site.
Non-senior friends or family members may pick up the coupon booklet for a homebound senior but will need to have the senior’s identification and a note authorizing them to receive the coupons.
For information about the program or to find out about RSVP services for seniors, call 775-687-4680, ext 0, or go to www.nevadaruralrsvp.org.
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