Silver Dollars and Wooden Nickels is a weekly feature in the Appeal’s Opinion pages in which the Appeal gives Silver Dollars to those who deserve recognition and occasionally a Wooden Nickel to those who deserve criticism.

SILVER DOLLAR: To the Karson Kruzers and all those who participated for another successful Run What Cha Brung Car Show. And to Carson City’s Henry and Pat Zepeta, who’s 1932 Ford coupe was The Participants Pick, in effect the best of show winner.

SILVER DOLLAR: To all those involved in organizing and participating in the Jazz and Beyond Music Festival in Carson City. The event began this weekend and will be bringing various forms of music and art to our community through Aug. 19.

SILVER DOLLAR: To Lyon County Sheriffs Deputies William McDaniel and Nathan Cooper, who were honored by members of Post 8660 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars for their heroic actions.

SILVER DOLLAR: To Carson High agriscience teacher Charles Mann for successfully completing the 15th annual National Agriscience Teachers Ambassador Academy in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

SILVER DOLLAR: The Phil Wooley and the “Dayton Pigs,” a group of volunteers dedicated to cleaning up public lands in Lyon County.


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