Pioneer High School teacher John Corbitt earned a mini-grant that will help fund a science rocketry program at the school.
William Arthur Ward wrote, “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” If curiosity is the wick, then John Corbitt has likely found the match.
Corbitt, a math teacher at Pioneer High School, is one of the 10 educators who were recently awarded mini-grants from the Carson City Schools Foundation.
This grant will be used to fund a rocketry program at PHS. Corbitt expects students to use 3-D printing, math, and science to create a model rocket.
According to Estes Rockets, rocketry is an excellent way to help students understand a number of scientific concepts, such as aerodynamics.
There are also many math skills involved in rocketry. Problem solving, geometry, graphing, and calculating formulas are all necessary skills for precise rocket construction.
In addition to having many educational benefits, rocketry is a lot of fun. Experiential learning is an effective way to engage students and cement knowledge.
Indeed, it’s creative educators like Corbitt who will help to inspire tomorrow’s innovators.
Rebecca Allen teaches at Pioneer High School.