Past Pages for March 6-9, 2019

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.


150 Years Ago

Roll of Honor: The following names of students at the Sierra Seminary appear on the role of honor for the month ending Feb. 27, 1869; Therese Tufly, Katie Crossman; Ada and Lucy Pixley, Flora Hezlip, Alice Blethen, Eddie Allen.

140 Years Ago

Insane on religion: James Gilbert, employed at the Vivian Mill, was taken by the sheriff as a person of unsound mind. His insanity was made manifest by his kneeling to strangers and addressing them as Jesus Christ and incoherent talk about religion. He was in the County Hospital for a time and will undergo an examination before proper authorities.

130 Years Ago

Genoa quarantine: The quarantine established at Genoa against Carson is very funny. Buck Murphy went to call on his mother-in-law. Two men guarding the road were asleep. In the morning, however, people surrounded the house and told him to get out of town in quick order. He didn’t and matters grew serious — there was talk of mobbing.

Mr. Harris, the hide and leather merchant attempted to get into town, he was seized and stripped naked. His clothes were burned, and he was disinfected by being soused in a ditch. He had to stand in the road until he could send for a new suit of clothes.

110 Years Ago

He jails ‘em: The war on the red-light district goes merrily on and the special officer there jails a more or less respectable citizen every night.

50 Years Ago

Television schedule, Channel 6 — Mister Rogers Neighborhood, What’s News, Gardening, Eastern Wisdom, Student Revolution, NET Playhouse.

20 Years Ago

Old Federal Building: Paul Laxalt’s name is recommended in renaming the old federal building in Carson City, thus honoring him for his distinguished service to Nevada.


150 Years Ago

Oshkosh, Missouri: A young man in Oshkosh was recently fined $5 for winking at ladies in the street.

140 Years Ago

Lost their baby: Mr. and Mrs. Powning of Reno have been called to bear the loss of their little daughter, their only child, three years of age. Mrs. Powning was present at the closing of the Legislature with little Pearl with her. At 11 o’clock that night she became ill. Medical aid was summoned as she grew rapidly worse. After all the loving hands and skilled physicians could do was lavished upon her, she passed away. The bereaved parents have the tenderest sympathies of the community.

130 Years Ago

Burial of Charles Collins: The young lad at the Orphan’s Home died of spinal meningitis. His former companions followed the remains to the grave, and the final scenes were very touching.

110 Years Ago

Advertisement: “W. O. Fleckner, “The Candy Man”, Opposite V & T Depot, Has finest line of candies in the city. Makes specialty of chocolates of all kinds and flavors. Special Boxes filled to order.”

50 Years Ago

How to find Howard Hughes: A full-page advertisement in the Las Vegas Review Journal was placed by the President of Justheim Petroleum Co. The billboard stated that Mr. Hughes could make money by producing oil from oil shale in Situ using a nuclear reactor as a source of heat-no last. Howard Hughes, a recluse, was believed to be living in the top floor of the Desert Inn.

20 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Carson-Tahoe Hospital Auxilliary, Carson City, Nevada presents the 5th Annual Cowboy Jubilee & Poetry featuring Baxter Black, Sourdough Slim, Belinda Gail and Wild Wind, Randy Pollar and John McLain, Carson Community Center Theater, Carson City. Tickets $20 and $25, Western BBQ Dinner…”


150 Years Ago

Susan B. Anthony: The Chicago Republican gives a description of this strong-minded woman of the Woman’s Rights Convention in Washington: “…If every State in the Union were blessed with two such women the existing factions between the sexes would suddenly expire. Miss Anthony is a fine public speaker, choosing her words daintily from the pure Anglo-Saxon, and her voice is just the kind an orator would desire.”

140 Years Ago

Georgia Minstrels: The completest troupe of colored performers ever gotten together will appear at the Carson Opera House. The range of method through which these sable artists move constitutes to the fullest limits of instrumental and vocal music. In the line of Ethiopian comedy, they are without a parallel. The volume of amusement offered is the most comprehensive and profuse variety.

130 Years Ago

Music lessons: Mrs. T. J. Meyers, formerly Miss Emma Friend, gives notice that she will re-commence piano lessons forthwith.

110 Years Ago

Bachelors License: Smaill introduced a bill to place a tax on all unmarried men in the state and issue a license to them upon payment of the tax. The bill went to the proper committee — but grave issues for its life are felt.

50 Years Ago

Leisure Hour: Mrs. Lucy Crowell will be honored at the Leisure Hour Club. She celebrated her 88th birthday. She joined the club in 1898. Also, at the meeting, Frederick Gale will play music from the gay nineties…

20 Years Ago

1998 Carson population: Population estimates have been certified and delivered to state officials to help divvy up tax revenue for the coming year. Carson City’s population count is 51,860.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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