Letters to the Editor for October 19, 2019

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Thank you for support of Cafe at Adele’s

I would like to express mine and Karen’s immense gratitude for the years and love our community, friends, staff and family have shown through our various endeavors — Cafe at Adele’s, political runs and support of an array of nonprofits.

We have been blessed to be part of myriad families’ milestones and to see generations grow from infancy to adulthood, to provide a gathering place for Nevada’s movers and shakers and politicians of all stripes; to have worked closely with our area’s farmers and ranchers in the farm to table movement, and to have been able to contribute where we felt called to do so.

The fire in March was unforeseen and has placed us at a crossroads in our life, even as we’ve worked to button things up with the insurance company. The time has come for Karen and I to move on to retirement, whatever that means. We now have the benefit of time that until now has eluded us — time to write the next chapter of this adventure called life.

Concerning our first responders and firefighters, there is not a big enough thank you for what they do — putting their lives on the line every day. Their care and professionalism mean so much to us.

Please know that we will still be here lending a hand where we can, exploring the natural beauty of the area and finding new ways to participate in and contribute to this place we call home.

Let the music play on.


Charlie Abowd

Chef, Cafe at Adele’s

Carson City

Resident thankful for Pumpkin Patch good Samaritan

I would like to express my gratitude to the individual who found my Silver Dollar money clip at the Seeliger school Pumpkin Patch on Oct. 12.

It has such sentimental value to me. I can’t thank you enough.

It’s people like you who make this world a better place.

Rich Peterson

Carson City

Recent letters reflect unnecessary anger-driven politics

The great Greek philosopher Socrates once said, “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.” This was on clear display in the recent mid-week edition of letters to the editor. In one letter, the slander was directed at the local population in general who according to the writer are all liars in a trance and in another, a hate-filled diatribe directed at our current president and the 63 million voters who put him in office. As usual, when liberals are losing the issues, hate, slander and lies are all they have to offer. Here’s a suggestion: If you don’t like it here, just leave. I am sure that California will welcome your hate-filled views.

Bill Johnston

Carson City

Jeep’s removal from Dead Truck Canyon is welcome

Glad to see someone finally hauled that Jeep out of Dead Truck Canyon. It’s been up there more than two years and was in perfect condition for a long time. But starting last year, it became a target. It was fun to watch in on Google Earth as the owner moved it to various spots trying to find a way out. Also, Kurt Hildebrand may be unfamiliar with that area. The reason it’s call Dead Truck Canyon is that there is an actual dead ’40s or ’50s era truck halfway down the mountain toward Silver Saddle Ranch. Sand and gravel are slowly burying it. It’s impossible to guess how it got there unless the terrain was quite different 60-70 years ago.

David Satterfield

Carson City

Bordewich Bray Jog-a-Thon committee thankful for support

On behalf of the Bordewich Bray Elementary School staff, we would like to give a special thank you to all the students, parents and other friends who recently supported our Jog-a-Thon. The generosity of the community helps us to support and enhance our students’ education through various enrichment activities throughout the year.

We would also like to thank the following businesses: Save Mart North and Carson Tahoe Hospital for their donations. Lastly, we would like to thank John and the staff at the Governor’s Mansion for hosting the luncheon, which was prepared by A Catered Affaire.

Linda Hurzel

Bordewich Bray Jog-a-Thon Chairperson

City should use Ormsby House to full advantage

It comes as no surprise that the Ormsby House is back on the market since the city has decided to not work with Joe D’Angelo to bring this project to fruition. It is not every day that someone comes to Carson City willing to invest over $50 million here. What I do not understand is why our mayor is not calling D’Angelo to say, “What can I do to assist you to make this project come to fruition?” Instead, he is quiet on this issue. Carson City needs more senior housing that will only add to our city.

Now that the city has shown its true colors as being anti-business, this action will help others who would locate here to reconsider since why come here if your project will be micromanaged by city officials instead of being welcomed with a can-do attitude.

I come from Baltimore City and we had Mayor Schaffer who took the city that was downtrodden after the D’Aasandro’s left in disarray thought outside the box and made the Inner Harbor a reality, a major hotel and other developments to make the city shine and it was then called Charm City and the city that reads. But that was then in the 1970s. We need a leader who will think outside the box and lead Carson City into the future and encourage different projects and ideas to be not only considered but to be completed. Our current mayor and supervisors need to be replaced with others who will accomplish this since they are letting D’Angelo go away without any attempt to work with him.

He never asked for any financial assistance only cooperation. Mr. Mayor, call him now.

Gene Munnings

Carson City


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