Faith & Insight: What do you need to trust God with today?

Proverbs 3:5-6 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Trust is important. However, it can be hard to trust others. The older we get, the more we have experienced the realities of this world and it becomes harder for us to trust, whether that be a person, an organization or some other system. It becomes exhausting to try to figure everything out on our own.

Experiences with others can create trust issues for us and when that happens, it often produces barriers for us with God. And yet, Proverbs 3 does not let that be an excuse. It doesn’t dismiss it. It doesn’t even ignore it. It does proclaim clearly that no matter what we do know or experience, we are called to know God personally, to pursue him and to trust him.

What do you need to trust God with today? Focus on just today. Or, zero in on a part of your day, or even just the next hour. Take that step toward fully trusting in God and hearing his voice. Then, you can take another, and then another. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, then you can go to God and seek his will and walk in faith toward him. It is possible to trust God in this present moment because God himself has provided all the resources we need to be fully reliant on him.

When you trust in Him, there is no more room for anyone or anything else. That decision then addresses the relationships we have trust issues with. For a choice to trust in God, despite those issues with others, it doesn’t mean you ignore the hurt or pain from others, but it does indicate that your priority in the healing process is to go to the father first, for him than to met every need that you have. This is making God the primary resident in every aspect of your heart and mind. This, is longer letting the hurt or disappointment from others of this life fill that place and create a barrier between you and following God fully.

Purpose to stay close to the Lord in prayer and allow him to you spiritually. Make reading scripture a priority. This will keep you connected to the father and then as you encounter his holy word, when you come across something that you disagree with, you will know clearly where you are wrong and that will help you maintain the pursuit of trusting in him as you seek God in all you do. Trust in God and place your confidence in only him. Not yourself, not others — for that never works!

A pastor I know said: “In a culture of misplaced trusts, broken promises, and damaged lives, only Jesus is unshakable, unchangeable, unbreakable, and worthy of all our trust. Only he trusted the father perfectly with all his heart, making straight the path for our salvation so we too would trust him. Through him, God offers healing, wisdom, and love to the world, if we only we acknowledge him in all our ways.”

What do you need to trust God with today? Go in faith, submit to him and let him guide you in this pursuit today!


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