Washoe County legal - 27209

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On or after SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 at 10:00AM, Milne Towing Services will auction to the highest bidder(s) vehicles currently in storage at Milne Towing Services at 1700 Marietta Way, Sparks, NV, 89431 to satisfy a towing, repair or storage charge as provided in NRS 108.270-108.300 at the address above. Online bids are also accepted through “ https://milnetowing.hibid.com” or by phone. Milne Towing Services reserves the right to bid or refuse any bids 

Some of the vehicles are listed below: 

1997 Honda - JHLRD1855VC051133 R/O-Chy Eng Chheav L/O-Sierra Schools Federal Credit 


2000 Honda - 2HKRL1856YH552833 R/O, 

L/O-Ivette Rodriguez Lorenzo-Guerrero/Luis Alberto Lorenzo-Santos 

2001 Honda - 2HKRL18781H545020 R/O, L/O-Gina Nicole Katz 

2005 Nissan - 3N1CB51D65L508895 R/O, L/O-Erick Donaldo Espino-Argueta 

Pub Date: August 31, September 7, 14, 2022 Ad # 27209


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