Letter: Parnell's performance should be main issue

Sen. Mark Amodei, as reported in Wednesday's (March 22) Nevada Appeal, said that the priority of Carson's GOP was to regain the State Assembly seat now held by Bonnie Parnell. Apparently, since nothing was reported as having been said by Sen. Amodei regarding Assemblywoman Parnell's job performance, it must be assumed the senator called for her replacement for no other reason than that she does not belong to the senator's political party.

In her defense, I must report that on those occasions when I have communicated with Assemblywoman Parnell, she has been very responsive and genuinely concerned with the issues that I have brought to her attention. If she responds to all of her Carson City constituents as she has to me, I would say that Carson City is very well represented indeed by Bonnie Parnell. It seems doubtful that Carson would be better served by replacing her based solely on this narrow minded view.

For Sen. Amodei to characterize the Carson GOP's priority being to replace Bonnie Parnell in the State Assembly simply as a matter of partisan politics, seems to me a clear case of misplaced priorities. Surely there must be better causes for Carson City's Republicans to champion as top priority.


Carson City


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