Past pages

140 Years Ago

Town Government for Carson: Now we know where we live. The first S.E. quarter is somewhere about the town end of Sam Wright’s graveyard. The mile west and mile and a quarter south and so on embrace Chedic and Clarke and that neighborhood, run up and take in Miss Clapp’s place, go on down to the Duffy corral and that part, and take in China town. The race course is just east of the plot ... Now, thank Providence and wisdom ... we begin to loom up out of chaos and assume form and attributes and effulgence of a tangible, civilized, Christian shape ...

130 Years Ago

A child’s perilous ride: Chester Hope, a boy three years of age, was put into the wagon at Empire. Just as his mother was about to lift another child into the wagon, the horse became frightened and started off on a dead run. The wagon disappeared in a cloud of dust over the hill. Commissioner Martin sprang onto the first horse he could find and overtook the flying wagon a half a mile from Empire. He found the boy kneeling down and holding fast to the dashboard ... After the child’s return, there was great rejoicing in Empire ...

120 Years Ago

All sorts: Another bank burst in Reno. It wasn’t able to pay the usual license ... The case keeper will pay the depositors.

70 Years Ago

Garden Trek: Thirty victory garden class members went on a tour of 9 well-kept gardens in the city, according to Lawrence Little. Among the gardens visited were: Frederic Snyder, Norman Noteware, Carl Springmeyer, and P. L. Woodgate.

50 Years Ago

Ormsby County Commissioners have hired Dr. James Kidney to take care of indigent cases in Carson. Commissioners have been looking for a full time doctor since the death of Dr. James Thom ... Pay to be $500 a month.

30 Years Ago

Tylenol-cyanide murders — State investigators and the FBI in Chicago have established a special 10-member squad to investigate the seven Tylenol-cyanide murders last fall ...

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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