The first Territorial Legislature meet Oct. 1, 1861, at Abraham Curry's Warm Springs Hotel. Today the Nevada State Prison occupies the site.
140 Years Ago
The state university (once at Elko): The university is finishing off its Mansard roof and will be opened to advanced students. Those scholars who go beyond their classes in the upper departments of the public schools and cannot have the special attention of their teachers further on may form a nucleus at Elko and be taught with great advantage ...
130 Years Ago
Severe winter: The Indians expect a very severe winter. On every train from Reno there are a number of Indians with large quantities of venison which they store away — selling very little.
120 Years Ago
That spud: Carson and Reno are contesting for the prize of vanity for the largest potato. The largest weighs three pounds, four ounces. Wait until you hear from Lovelock. New Era (Ed Sweeney of this city currently holds the heavyweight championship — his potato is four pounds, two ounces).
70 Years Ago
Advertising: “Carson Theatre — ‘So Proudly We Hail’ with Claudette Colbert, Paulette Goddard and Veronica Lake — The screen’s first great woman’s story of our girls fighting at the front.”
50 Years Ago
Photo caption: A dish washing machine — a 1914 Whirlpool — was donated to the museum by the Union Federal Bank when Dr. Thom’s home was demolished ... it was a form of an old-time automatic dishwasher that was found in the attic.
30 Years Ago
October’s jobless rate is 8.8 percent and is evidence President Reagan’s economic program “is falling in place with precision.”
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.