Some things for which I’m thankful

Some of the many things for which I’m grateful this Thanksgiving:

Per usual, first, the most important ones: wife Kathy and daughter Karyn, my parents, siblings and extended family, and the best mom-in-law, Gran’mom Christena, plus her late husband, Kathy’s dad.

Also again, the United States of America, the exceptional nation. And all the other things and reasons I named last year.

Something different, from this year’s election: Reno lawyers Doug Rands and Lynne Simons. I observed them closely many times during this campaign, running against each other for district court judge. Both have outstanding resumes and reputations as lawyers, are well-spoken with great judicial temperament, and will make great judges. They were cordial, courteous, thoughtful, cheerful, and respectful to each other and their audiences. Decent people and modest. A few other candidates rose to their level, and some pairs who had to appear together often became nasty. It was truly sad one of these two had to lose, because the public needs and deserves both of them. When the lesser aspects of politics get me down, I think of them and am refreshed.

Last year’s films, plus Dr. Strangelove, Gone With The Wind, Excalibur, Midnight Express, The Grapes of Wrath, Chinatown, The Right Stuff and Apollo 13.

Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children – the remarkable folks helping the most unfortunate members of our communities, children wronged by the people who should be protecting and caring for them. Also, foster and adoptive parents.

The papers, print and online, that run my columns, plus the editors who select them and sometimes improve them with their editing.

The colors of autumn, beginning with green and yellow and improving to orange, red and maroon. My favorite season.

The people of Nevada – for giving me the opportunity to serve in the Assembly and the Board of Regents. And beginning next year, as State Controller. I’m deeply humbled, honored and grateful.

The Regents staff at the Nevada System of Higher Education. I’ll miss them when I move to Controller. And many other people at NSHE and in its institutions.

Folks way too numerous to name who helped me get elected Controller — bless you all and the many people who make positive contributions to politics and public affairs, especially Republican Women.

A few people I need to call out specifically from the election: James and Vicki Smack of Silver Springs, Larry and Diana English and Doug Reynolds of Douglas County. Rick and Mary Houghtelling of Las Vegas. And others I named last year.

Members of the Restore Our Community College Campus Committee in Fallon.

People we lost recently, including but not limited to Bob Thomas, who held my old Assembly seat long before I did, and Pete Livermore, who held it subsequently. Also public servants like Grant Gerber of Elko. And Pastor Marvin Dennis, who long served Good Shepard Wesleyan Church, its people and the Carson community.

Every year: The Wall Street Journal, its editorial section, outstanding columnists and its annual Thanksgiving editorials, “The Desolate wilderness” and “And the Fair Land.” For a real treat, check them out on the day before the holiday. Also, its annual Christmas editorial on Christmas Eve.

Finally again, our dog, Prince. And the cats, Shasta and Sonja.

Ron Knecht is an economist, law school graduate, Regent and Controller-elect.


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