SILVER DOLLARS AND WOODEN NICKELS: Special Olympics truly an honor society

The Nevada Appeal’s Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels feature recognizes achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out other acts that missed the mark.

SILVER DOLLAR: A belated Silver Dollar goes to all those for their involvement in Special Olympics, including the recent Polar Plunge at Lake Tahoe. While obviously just one of so many organizations and individuals who contribute to Special Olympics, it’s fitting Carson High’s National Honor Society raised a total of $1,133 for Special Olympics through recent fundraisers, including the Polar Plunge, because Special Olympics can be considered an honor society.

SILVER DOLLAR: To Southwest Gas for donating a $13,000 truck to Kids and Horses.

SILVER DOLLAR: Regardless of your political affiliation, one has to congratulate State Senator Debbie Smith for her return to the Legislative session last week two months after having a malignant brain tumor removed

WOODEN NICKEL: Not necessarily a Wooden Nickel, but more of a we all can do better acknowledgement when it comes to the care of our veterans, especially here in Nevada, which is challenged in providing veterans’ services due to the significant rural nature of the state. An Associated Press analysis last week looked at the waiting times for veterans before they are served and the conclusion was basically — we can do better. Reno’s and Southern Nevada’s VA Hospitals generally provide outstanding care for our veterans and don’t have the serious problems that other VA Hospitals have had, but again it’s on all of us to make sure our VA facilities provide our veterans the best care possible.


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