Nevada Legislature: Lawmakers delay Uber insurance vote, say process is rushed

Nevada lawmakers are delaying a committee vote on a bill creating an insurance framework for ride-hailing companies like Uber, saying they feel rushed and need to vet a new amendment.

The Assembly Commerce and Labor Committee was scheduled to vote on SB440 on Wednesday, but delayed the move until Friday to allow for more review of a proposed amendment.

The bill creates an insurance framework for ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft, but doesn’t expressly allow such businesses to operate in Nevada.

The measure passed out of the Senate on a party-line 11-10 vote earlier in April.

Republican Sen. James Settelmeyer introduced an amendment Wednesday clarifying that businesses covered by the insurance provisions in the bill wouldn’t be subject to the same regulations as taxicab or public utility companies.

Several committee members took issue with moving the bill forward without having sufficient time to review the amendment or allowing for more public input.

“I feel like I should scream at the top of my lungs just over the process,” Democratic Assembly leader Marilyn Kirkpatrick said.

“I’m not going to be part of these shenanigans.”

Committee chair Randy Kirner said that lawmakers already sat through a lengthy public hearing on the bill, but eventually rescinded the motion to vote on the bill after a number of other lawmakers raised concerns.

Settelmeyer said the measure would only set up the insurance framework as a proactive measure and wouldn’t directly allow ride-hailing companies to operate in the state.

A bill that would have allowed ride-hailing companies to operate in the state failed in the state Senate. after failing to reach a constitutionally required two-thirds vote earlier in April. SB 439 was declared exempt two weeks ago, and can be reconsidered for a vote any time before the session ends.


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