Past Pages for Wednesday, March 23, 2016

150 Years Ago

The Mint — Good News: Messrs. Curry and Rice, together with John H. Mills, Esq. of Gold Hill, are the Commissioners appointed to superintend building the branch Mint in Carson. We hope there will be no further delays in laying the foundation.

130 Years Ago

U.S. Government building dispute. The disagreement over the site of the new U.S. Government building (now Laxalt building) was settled by Tufly and Fulston. The citizens of the northern part of the city raised $1,000 to help settle the dispute.

110 Years Ago

Tonopah. Tonopah had the natural boom that followed the discovery of the mines. When the boom died, Goldfield came into evidence, and Tonopah was alive again with men and material brought by train. With the discovery of Manhattan the town of Tonopah has taken on another boom. Beds are scarce and accommodations crowded in every quarter. Tonopah is again on clover.

80 Years Ago

WPA. Works Progress Administrator Harry L. Hopkins said WPA workers throughout the country are receiving an average of $50.02 a month. For Nevada the average wage was $46.85.

50 Years Ago

Photo caption. Mary Ann Mahan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Mahan, recently completed WAVE training at Bainbridge, Md. She will report to the Navy Air Station, Pensacola, Florida for training as a photographer’s mate.

20 Years Ago

Shocking. Rising underground water levels shorted out an underground cable at Lahontan Reservoir. “It’s causing a lot of tourists touching the restroom doors to get shocked,” according to State Parks Administrator Wayne Perock. Money to replace electrical cable and campers heeding nature’s call will no longer be zapped.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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