Health tech company MOBE to open in downtown Reno, bring 300 jobs

The MOBE company logo.

The MOBE company logo.

RENO, Nev. — The Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada announced today (April 25) that MOBE, an innovative health solutions company, is establishing its co-headquarters in downtown Reno. The company plans to create up to 300 highly skilled jobs over the next three to five years. Many of the positions will be high-paying with career track positions in health care innovation, digital solutions, data science, and consumer engagement. The company expects to open its Reno office by Q3 2019. "MOBE's expansion to Reno makes strategic sense," said Mark Evenstad, Founder and CEO of MOBE. "We appreciate the city's business-friendly environment and natural beauty; and Reno's strong growth potential, talent pool, well-regarded medical school and proximity to Silicon Valley make it extremely compelling." MOBE works with health plans and large employers to identify people who are frequent users of health care, but without resolution of their underlying health issues. This group of individuals often deals with chronic conditions that can be improved through lifestyle changes in combination with medical care. MOBE's services focus on the areas of diet, sleep, movement, emotional health and medication with the goal of improving overall health, and as a result, lowering health care costs. "MOBE is a great example of innovation in the right place at the right time," Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve said. "Their plans for boosting healthcare access, renovation near downtown, and higher-paying jobs are commendable. I truly believe we can have it all here in Reno, and MOBE helps us get one step closer." "We are excited that MOBE has selected Reno for their new co-headquarters and operations site," said Mike Kazmierski, President and CEO of EDAWN. "MOBE's business model is the first of its kind and a real game-changer that can have a huge impact on living a healthier lifestyle and a better quality of life. The growth of more technology related businesses in our region, like MOBE is another example that Northern Nevada is continuing on the right path to strengthen and diversify our economy." MOBE wishes to acknowledge Dickson Commercial Group, Colliers International and the Governor's Office of Economic Development for their support and assistance with their decision to expand to Reno, Nevada.
This article was provided to the NNBV by EDAWN. Go to to learn more.


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