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Silver Dollars and Wooden Nickels is a weekly feature in the Appeal’s Opinion pages in which the Appeal gives Silver Dollars to those who deserve recognition and occasionally a Wooden Nickel to those who deserve criticism.

SILVER DOLLAR: To the Carson High School NJROTC program for earning a Distinguished Unit award with academic honors for the second straight year. The program also was recognized as the No. 1 unit out of 47 units within the region, a first in the program’s history. The region, Area 13, covers the northwestern portion of the United States from Colorado all the way to Hawaii, Guam and Japan. There are a total of 11 areas or regions nationwide, so the program was ranked in the top 11 nationwide.

SILVER DOLLAR: To Brig. Gen. William R. Burks, who’s stepping down later this summer, for his 10 years of service at the helm of the Nevada National Guard.

SILVER DOLLAR: To Rotary and all those involved in putting on this weekend’s Brewfest.

SILVER DOLLAR: To the Carson City Sheriff’s Office for hosting this weekend’s 16th annual Extreme Motor Officer Training Challenge.

If you have an idea for a Silver Dollar or Wooden Nickel, email


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