People: Mara Langer new outreach coordinator at Jewish Nevada

Mara Langer

Mara Langer Courtesy Photo


Jewish Nevada, a nonprofit organization that serves as the representative organization for the more than 70,000 Jews in Nevada, announced Feb. 1 the appointment of Mara Langer as community outreach coordinator for Northern Nevada.

In her role, Langer will manage and coordinate outreach events, and cultivate and strengthen ties with local community members in Reno and surrounding areas, according to a press release from the nonprofit.

Prior to joining Jewish Nevada, Langer held several positions in community outreach, serving as a community relations professional, a project manager and community relations manager.

“Her extensive business and nonprofit experience will allow her to prepare and implement plans and strategies for community education, engagement, advocacy and fundraising efforts for Jewish Nevada,” according to a Feb. 1 statement.


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