How to morph your brand from bland to bold

Sadie Fienberg

Sadie Fienberg

Branding is a statement. It’s the soul of your business and personal identity. It includes everything from your logo and colors to the words you use to evoke feelings, build trust and persuade buyers to choose your products and services over others. So how do we keep our brands consistent, relevant, and engaging?

Here are three steps to morph your brand from bland to bold:

Push the boundaries
Get creative with your thinking and don’t be afraid to try something when your brand has lost its spark and is no longer giving the vibes you want. Try brighter colors or a new tagline that better communicates your mission. Update your website and marketing photos yearly to make sure they’re both on trend and appealing to the audience you want to attract.

Differentiate yourself
Think about what sets you apart from your competition and highlight that. Maybe it’s a product you offer, maybe it’s the customer experience you provide, whatever it is - showcase it! Become the expert in what you do and rise above the others by providing value where they aren’t. From social media to in-person conversations, remember to always mind your niche.

Tell your story
Unique identity in a brand is powerful. It’s a way to connect with your audience and reinforce the promise you make to your customers. Find a way to tell your brand’s story with your target audience in mind and hone in on your why. Why did you get started in your field and how can you inspire others?

Sadie Fienberg is a local designer, food blogger, podcaster and owner of Butterfly Creative Projects. Named by the Small Business Administration as " Nevada's Entrepreneur of the Year," Fienberg aims to provide useful tips to the region's growing business community.


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