Miners recognized for safety

The Nevada Mining Association will recognize mining operators and mining professionals for safe work during the association’s annual convention in September.

To be recognized:

Mine operators safety awards

Surface operations:

Large (300-plus employees): 1. Round Mountain Gold Corp., Round Mountain; 2. Barrick Gold of North America, Goldstrike; 3. Newmont Mining Corp., Phoenix

Medium (100-299 employees): Sharing first place, because they had no reportable injuries in 2013, are Comstock Mining’s Comstock Mine, Barrick’s Goldstrike Mine Roaster Operations, Barrick’s Ruby Hill and Newmont’s Mill 6.

Small (20-99 employees): First: Waterton Global Mining Co., Esmeralda Mine and Mill.

Underground operations:

Large (300-plus employees): 1. Barrick’s Cortez Underground; 2. Barrick’s Turquoise Ridge 3. Barrick‘s Goldstrike and Meikle/Rodeo.

Medium (100-299 employees): 1. Small Mine Development’s SSX Mine; 2. Newmont’s Midas Mine.

Small – 20-99 employees: Tied for first were Small Mine Development for its Lee Smith Mine and Klondex Gold and Silver Mining’s Fire Creek.

Non-Metal Mining Category

Sharing first place, because they had no reportable injuries in 2013, are Art Wilson Company’s Adams Claim, Baker Hughes’ Argenta Mine and Mill, EP Minerals’ Colado Mine, Gypsum Resources’ Blue Diamond Hill, Halliburton Energy Services’ Rossi Jig Plant and Dunphy Mill and M-I LLC’s Greystone Mine.

Contractors category

All of the following operations share first place as they had no reportable injuries in 2013:

American Mining & Tunneling at Fire Creek. Ames Construction for its Nevada operations, J.S. Redpath for the Bazza Mine and N.A. Degerstrom for the Liberty Shadow Project.

Individual safety awards

General manager: Mark Immonen of J.S. Redpath.

Safety manager: Simon Pollard of Barrick.

Safety professional: Caleb Trease of Round Mountain, Chad Chadwell of Barrick Cortez, Chris Torres of Barrick Goldstrike Mines Inc., Gorden Maxwell of Newmont Mining and Jim Peterson of Silver Standard Resources’ Marigold Mine.

Mine manager or superintendent: Jason Hill of Newmont Mining and Mike Eiselein of Barrick Goldstrike.

General supervisor and middle management: Byron Bisiauxof Round Mountain Gold, Demo Herrera of Newmont Mining, John Reeves of Barrick Cortez. Ray Broadway of Barrick Turquoise Ridge and Troy Hawkins of Allied Nevada Gold Corp.

Trainer: Bob Hunt of Barrick Turquoise Ridge, Deanna Hall of Round Mountain and Julio Martin of Allied Nevada Gold Corp.

Supervisor: Gary Utter of Allied Nevada Gold, Joe Huelsen of Silver Standard Resources, Kim Spear of Newmont, Lou Elu of Barrick Goldstrike and Robert Perchetti of Round Mountain.

Non-supervisory trainer: James Van Bryant of Barrick Turquoise Ridge, Kurtis Kay of Barrick Cortez and Neil Serrano of Coeur Mining Rochester Mine.

Non-supervisory emergency response: Chuck Dickey and Lance Ivory of Barrick Cortez and Toney Powers of Newmont.

Safety champion: Lee MacDiarmid of Barrick Cortez, DC Larreau of Barrick Goldstrike, James Hall of Barrick Turquoise Ridge, Sam Schick of Boart Longyear’s Twin Creeks Mine operations, Dennis DeBraga of Coeur Mining’s Rochester Mine, Jonathan Haynes of Graymont U.S. Western, Bonnie Upshaw and Vincente Ramirez of Round Mountain, Jim Schmidt of Klondex Mining Fire Creek, Greg Parker of Klondex Mining Midas, Cory Mills, Colleen Schaffer, Linsey Burger and Will Frederick of Newmont and Darrel Green of Silver Standard Resources’ Marigold Mine.

Special awards

Outstanding Career in Safety: Kim Ruiz.

NNBW staff


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