140 Years Ago
Carson as seen by “Toby Green:” Toby draws for the Gold Hill News the following picture: “Speaking of rooms, they are a scarce article here. The lowest price I have yet heard asked is forty dollars per month, and the room isn’t big enough to swing a cat in, at that—if you had a cat and wanted to swing it…A friend intends to import a lot of army tents and pitch them in the Plaza, and rent them to the members from the “Great East.” Wood can be obtained from “the wood pile,” and the occupants of the tents can get beans from the candidates for legislature and give a legislative bean festival…”
130 Years Ago
Terrible night at Cave Rock: Gustave Reik lives on the shore of Lake Tahoe near Spooner Station and was coming over the old stage road to Glenbrook when a bear came out of the woods. The horses were at once made wild with fright and ran the wagon against a stump with Reik landing on the ground. One of the horses went down and the grizzly bear was upon him at once, and the horse was killed. The other horse made it off. (continued on Tuesday)
110 Years Ago
Advertisement: “The Eagle Market—the peoples friend. Down go the prices. Come and get the benefit. Our meats are first class. Corned beef, 7 cents a pound; 4 lbs. brisket, 25 cents; rib roast beef, 10 and 12 ½ cents per lb.… 5 lb. tin lard, 65 cents; sausage 10 cents lb.…”
70 Years Ago
St. Peter’s Church Baptismal Font: Workmen finished setting the baptismal font donated by Christ Church in Indianapolis. It is a solid piece of Indiana blue limestone, hexagonal in shape with appropriate symbols carved on the face. The celebrant for the occasion will be Bishop Jenkins, assisted by the local Rector, the Rev. J. C. Black.
50 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Remember the weekly wiener roast buffet every Friday at the fireplace in the cocktail lounge—Greeno Hotel, 108 E. Proctor.”
15 Years Ago
Blue bunting was draped between the Capitol’s center columns and the state seal hung within the blue field for Kenny Guinn as he was inaugurated as Nevada’s 27th Governor.
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.
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