Past Pages for Nov. 3 - 6

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150 years ago

The Grand Union Torchlight Procession last evening was by far the greatest political demonstration of the campaign in Ormsby county. Bonfires blazed, rockets ascended, and a torchlight procession formed in front of the Capital buildings to The New Theater Hall.

130 years ago

It is claimed by a good many people that the fire in Chinatown, would not have gained such headway, had the firemen been allowed to use city hydrants. It appears the City Trustees ordered the Warren Engine Company not to take water from any fire-plug on August 14, 1888 by City Trustees. Firefighters were asked not to play a stream on uninsured houses in favor of insured houses.

100 years ago

With the Sick. Marion McCleary, injured in an auto accident, passed a poor night and is still in precarious condition. Patrick Malley is confined to his room with a severe case of the gripped or flu. Charles Felesina, Jr., was taken ill yesterday. Mrs. E.T. Krebs, who is ill at the Carson hospital, was reported to be in extremely critical condition. Mrs. Leete Blanchard, who was much better a couple of days ago,, has had a relapse.

70 years ago

Gov. Thomas E. Dewey at 11:14 a.m. conceded the election to Harry S. Truman.

50 years ago

County Commissioner Keith Macdonald and candidate Les Carlson swapped charges today over what Macdonald termed a breaking of the law by Carson in the handling of East Carson General improvement District Funds.

30 years ago

4-H’ers in the Carson area and across the state will be more aware of the latest developments in natural resources management as a result of a national 4-H leader forum that local 4-H coordinators and volunteers attended in Estes Park, Colorado.


150 Years Ago

Roads: The road between Carson City, Warm Springs and Empire is being put in good shape thanks to Colonel Curry. He has taken it in hand now, and in thirty days will have one of the finest thoroughfares leading out of Carson.

140 Years Ago

Accident: The eleven-year old son of Mrs. Cross fell off the eastern bound train near Golconda. He was not missed until the train reached Battle Mountain, where she and her remaining son stopped over to find him. He had fallen off the passenger train and was found at Stone House by a passenger on the train who saw his lifeless body. The boy was unconscious and stimulants were administered to him. He was taken to Winnemucca where his mother joined him. His head is so badly injured that his recovery is doubtful.

130 Years Ago

Sad: During the last few days an old lady had been stopping at the Ormsby House. Her listless manner attracted the attention of all observing inmates of the house. She came here from a great distance to seed the pardon of her son at the State Prison. Her mission proved fruitless as her son was not pardoned. The broken-hearted mother returned home never realizing the fact that her son committed a crime and cannot be pardoned. It is sad that a pleading mother must be turned away.

100 Years Ago

Influenza: Ed Ryan, one of the community’s most respected and best thought of citizens, passed away, another victim of the dreaded influenza. He was taken ill following the death of his daughter and from the first his case was regarded as serious. He was a native of Iowa where he was born forty-seven years ago. He moved to Goldfield and in 1908 was appointed State Mine Inspector by Governor Dickerson. He leaves his wife, mother, two sisters, and brother. (The 1918 influenza pandemic (January 1918 through December 1920) was known as the Spanish flu and was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic.)

70 Years Ago

Photo caption: With arms spread as wide as his happy smile President Harry S. Truman acknowledges the ovation as he left his Kansas City, Mo., headquarters. Thousands of cheering people jammed the streets to acclaim the victory of their most famous citizen who had won the Presidency.

20 Years Ago

Barbara Horton Mighels: Ninety-year old Mighels died more than three months after her husband of 56 years, Harry. She met and married Harry Mighels whose family founded the Nevada Appeal. The pair met at a dinner party in 1942 at Stoddard and Mighels Grandmother Nellies home when Harry worked for the Carson Brewery as a salesman selling Tahoe Beer.


150 Years Ago

Runaway Match: A young couple, failing to obtain consent of the parents of the young woman, who was of lawful age to judge for herself, went to Genoa and got married. The report says there were two lovers of the lady—one acceptable to the parents, and the other was the winning one.

140 Years Ago

Hurt by a runaway: A runaway horse knocked down a Chinese man’s basket leaving him with his face bleeding from the forehead, and presenting a pitiable spectacle. Dr. White who was in the area raised him up and found that he was more stunned than seriously hurt. Mr. Tibbetts and Mr. Pearson came with a wagon and gave him a lift homeward to his vegetable ranch. Matt Rinckel’s “Gideon Blue” came along for the injured man. He had been struck so bad that he was unaware that he was hurt before any knowledge of his danger had come to him. So after he had been helped into the wagon, his frog eye not forgetting a wistful glance at his meagre plunder, consisting of two empty baskets, a pole and an ancient pipe of briarwood.

130 Years Ago

Born: On Sunday, November 10th, a boy was born to the wife of Mr. George Gillson. May the lad grow to be as good as his awful Dad.

100 Years Ago

Influenza: Mrs. Leete M. Blanchard answered the final summons, the result of an attack of influenza that later turned into pneumonia. Mrs. Blanchard was born and raised in Carson City, educated in the local schools and popular among her girlfriends.

70 Years Ago

Lucius Beebe: Traveling around the country in an ornate private railroad car, Beebe’s visit to this Comstock Lode country recalls the fabulous days of the silver kings. His “Gold Coast” caboose is the first modern private car to be routed through Reno since 1932. Beebe’s home on rails is he biggest ever built. It measures 82 feet and weighs 75 tons, has two bedrooms, three baths, a dining salon, servants’ quarters, and a communications system. The drawing room has crystal chandeliers, orange draperies, brocaded couches, and a marble fireplace with a China cat lounging behind a brass guard.

20 Years Ago

New Governor: Kenny Guinn became Nevada’s first Republican Governor in 16 years. “I’ve never run an election campaign before, as opposed to my opponent who had run four races in less than seven years,” Guinn told the Associated Press. “I had to start at the grass roots level.”

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan and Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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